Monday, November 5, 2012

50 Day Journey to Christ

Monday, November 5th, 2012 marks 50 days to Christmas.  I know, I know.. I can't believe it either.  For some Christmas is a time of mass excitement (just ask my daughter who saw a Santa display @ the grocery store over the weekend and said... ITS CHRISTMAS TIME!!! at the top of her voice, much to the joy of the shelf stocker we were walking past.) For others, its a time of anxiety, loneliness, hurt and depression.

Seeing a star in the sky, Computer Church has teamed up with Running I/O and will be doing a 50 day journey of our own.  A journey over spiritual, physical and mental obstacles.  A journey past the normal shop till you drop, eat till you pop mindset.  We will be diving into Gods Word everyday, looking into our own lives, and our need for a Savior.  Running I/O will also help us on our journey as they help get us in shape, with fitness and diet, a veritable coach of sorts.

We plan on using all of the web based tools we can to engage everyone we can along the way.  YouTube, G+ Hangouts, Podcasts, Local Challenges, Blogs and Docs.   Will you join us as we go against the grain, and follow the star towards a town called Bethlehem?  Who knows, this could be fun.

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